About Us

Who We are?

This firm established to fulfill customer need in current demanding & competitive market by supplying right quality product at right time. We work closely with customer to understand their need & providing total Industrial Solution.

Why we?

Experienced Team

Qualified and dedicated team of young engineers is our strength. Team is committed to work & deliver products till customer satisfaction. In our team, we have professionals from Hardware, Software, Embedded & Mechanical domain.


We Beliver “ Design is not just a matter of calculations, its about understanding applications”, We have reached to lowest failure rate from our field experience. Every product is under continuous evolution for optimising cost.

Quality Policy

Quality is always top priority for Sunshine, Everyone looks for cost effective products without any compromise on Quality aspect. We beliver “Good Quality Product Pay back to customer but bad quality product costs more than good quality product “.

Our Vision

To be a company, passionately working towards Growth to reach common Goal. Value addition as per customer expectation by suppling Quality products & services

Our Mission

To turn into a leader in customized power solutions for various Applications.


Our client is our business partner and we extend unbounded support for every stage. We are commited to mutual association for longer relations.